BOOK TWO - Synopsis

PENTAGON'S HAMMER: Forsaken Freedom


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FORSAKEN FREEDOM is a comprehensive fiction novel based on the vulnerability of the United States defense system. Extended in volume size, approx. 600 pages over the average novel and, because of the complexity of plots many chapters are necessary in the development subsequently segmented into a number of sub-plots merged into the main storyline. Making up the chapters are dozens of characters and organizations necessary that are dependant on each other in case of an all out attack on the nation. In addition, a number of segments, traumatizing the lives of American citizens affected by an all-out attack on the nation, are illustrated.

The story is played out over the duration of several years with an initial attack by Jihad followed by extreme hardship the nation has to endure. The stage for this book was set with Book I, TWELVE DAYS TO ARMAGEDDON, with an EMP attack causing the shut down of what used to be the world’s leader in science and technology, as well as a nation created for Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Living, and Freedom for Inherited Birthrights.

The adversary, better known as The Prophet (formerly known as The Serpent), principal jihad antagonist to the Unites States and the free world, after causing the initial collapse of the United States, initiates an all-out attack on the nation for one purpose, and one purpose only, to get his hands on the most precious but rapidly waning resources on the globe, Water, found in abundance in the Great Lakes. As demonstrated in Book I, again, it is up to ALEX BAUER, the BAUER CLAN, and other familiar defense related organizations and functionaries played out in Book I, to swart off the many Jihad onslaughts one after the other.

With the defense shield annihilated, government, national guards, law enforcement virtually ineffective, the economy in shambles, civilian population struggling for life, it is this core of patriots that once again make it their sole mission for fending off any and all terrorist intrusions. What makes the novel unique is the intricate knowledge of the author in the Intel community, the defense system, and the nation’s vulnerability to a foreign attack.

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