BOOK FOUR - Synopsis

PENTAGON'S HAMMER: Invisible Warrior / Full Disclosure


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INVISIBLE WARRIOR / FULL DISCLOSURE is not only an extensive Autobiography of the author. More importantly, it is a comprehensive work written in nonfiction narrative (pseudo form), based on the vulnerability of the United States defense system. Due to the complexity of the author’s 30-year life and career within the nation's defense communities, extended in volume size over the average novel (at approx. 700 pages), many chapters were necessary in its development, subsequently segmented into a number of sub-plots merged into three Volumes: Invisible Warrior, Full Disclosure, and Reality Today. Making up the chapters within the sphere of this writing are dozens of characters and organizations from defense and military intelligence sectors, all interdependent on each other in case of an all-out attack on the nation. To assure privacy, participating individuals within the sphere of defense operations, personal surnames have been protected. Aside from a few exeptions, only the first names of the participants were used.

The principle reason for the author to create this work is to develop public awareness to an ever-increasing threat on the nation’s safety and wellbeing for the American citizens. Warfare, conflicts and battles have been with mankind since the dawn of the ages. More so, with recent development in smart weaponry, stealth, and communication technologies, it seems internatioal through political tentions has increased exponentially, making warfare evermore probable not only on a large scale between nations, but also through mass killings and slaughter inflicted by warmongers, rogue nations, extremists, terrorists and radicals.

Where the premise of the author’s first book is that of EMP (Electromagnetic Pulsing), the second book HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program), the third book CME (Coronal Mass Ejection), book Four carries on the tradition with Alex Bauer, his Castle Crew and a cast of career associates, all aiding in safeguarding the nation aligned within the parameters of the country’s foreign policies. What makes the fictional aspects plausible to sustain is the rapid decline in credible world politics fueled by the deterioration of other country’s principles that of morals, ethics, and integrity, affected by a crumbling infrastructure on an ever changing national and global scale.

Where much of the internal workings of the various defence sectors are declassified but uncommon knowledge, it is not the Author's intentions to disclose national secrets and classified materials to the public, foreign spys and potential enemies of our nation.

Book Four is about individuals that hold important and critical positions in a career, whether with government, military, commercial contracting, or support functions necessary for the design, engineering, deployment, operations, and management so that the citizens of the United States could prosper in a safe and protected environment. An army of invisible warriors is diligently at work to support the multitude of critical projects and programs for protecting the wealth and prosperity of free nations.

Where the book deviates from the norm, it is written from several perspectives, the Author’s and his career colleagues, as well as the principle character, Alex Bauer and his Crew. The transformation between past and present was necessary for producing a meaningful product written from verious perspectives as the characters journeyed through a lifelong career of intrigue, secrecy, adventure and action. Where the author and teams in real life, due to the critical nature of their work, amid his dependents and support character cast may have never attained public credit and recognition, in this book, at least they will have the opportunity to obtain proper credit and deserving gratitude bestowed on the individuals through the dedication of the reader.

Book Four comes in three volumes. Volume One, Invisible Warrior, is the author's career life whereas Volume Two, Full Disclosure, carries the results of his career disclosed to the reader. In addition, Volume Three, Reality Today, is the author’s personal research into numerous topics from science to ancient history and may be sensitive in nature for some readers. Presented is a lifetime of career challenges in the first part of the book. The second part presents specific information of uncommon knowledge, but irrevocable and true to its nature. The last part of his work is highly controversial but in fair consideration, the presented facts are ultimately for the reader to decide. It is not intented to confuse the reader on the subjects of UFOs, ETs, and Aliens even more than already exists, this book will clear up and clarify all of the confusion created over the past seventy-some years.

Let me just clearly state that Book Four is the only book that will ever reveil and being published on the controversial facts and cover ups with Full Disclosure.

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